How to Prepare Files for Cassette Production
Suitable audio master formats (in decreasing order of preference):
Digital files WAV, AIFF already mastered/prepared for replication for A/B sides
Digital files WAV, AIFF with separate track for mastering
DDP image
Digital Files
We require at least 44.1 kHz / 16bit files.
Other audio formats might be acceptable. If supplying compressed audio files, please keep in mind the quality of the material and that compression may affect the final audio quality and result.
All masters should be accompanied by track lists. Materials already mastered by customer should have a track list with all track durations.
For material supplied for mastering, you need to provide a complete track list with all track durations.
Additionally, you need to provide tracks titles, timing and sequence, split by A/B side.
The maximum length of one side is 30 minutes and must be not exceeded.
It is recommended that side A duration should be a bit longer than that of side B.
Pauses between tracks should be included in the supplied audio material.
For material already mastered by customer all tracks should be put in the correct sequence, separated with proper pauses between them. In cases where the master is prepared for replication, each track should include a proper pause at the beginning or at the end of track so as to result in all tracks being mounted together with suitable pauses between them.
Before the master is supplied, you are requested to check its sound, potential errors, tracks sequence and completeness.
Audio materials can be supplied:
On external carrier: CD/DVD, pendrive, HDD, SD card
Electronically: FTP, Aspera, Dropbox, Wetransfer, etc.
Electronically delivered files must be compressed (e.g., as a ZIP file) or files should have MD5 checksum attached.